Hi, I'm Dillon O'Connor and welcome to my blog which will track the production of LS29's debut production, Red Run.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Bradford Film Festival Trip

On Thursday the 6th October 2011 I visited the Bradford film festival with both the AS and A2 media class. I signed up for the lights, camera, action workshop and filming in 3D. The lights, camera, action workshop was really good, I worked in a group of 3 with 2 other people from my class and we were given a camcorder and tri-pod to film around the media museum to gather footage that we would later edit to create an advert for the museum.

Once we had collected footage of the different displays, rooms and features of the media museum we started to edit it to make an advert for the museum that was roughly 30 seconds long.  We edited our clips using the new iMovie and i loved it; I prefer it to the old iMovie we use at school because I found it easier to use and it saves your project for you as you're going a long which is useful because I lose my work a lot due to not saving it.

The advert we made was 35 seconds long and it showed us walking into the museum from various different angles and then it just displayed what the museum had to offer. I think our advert was really good and the man hosting the work shop has burnt the advert to a disk and is sending it to us. The second thing we did was watch a screening in a cinema/theater type place of videos that had been created by young children around 13. Considering the people that made the videos were only young, they were good and I enjoyed the cartoon ones more than the real life.

I would definitely go again next year but I would do different workshops.

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