No ident's, starts with peaceful music played by string instruments, most likely the Violin. This is played over a Bi-Plane flying in the sunset with a lot of orange light and shadowing to exaggerate this, next scene is the title of the film "Pearl Harbour" shown n a serif font and large capital letters making it stand out from the bright orange sun in the background, this also makes the film feel more serious.
The title is then followed by the same plane flying as a low angle shot, this could show that the plane is owning the sky at that moment and is bigger than everything else, theoretically. The camera then follows the plane as it fly's, going into a mid angle shot facing the plane as it comes in. By the type of plane it is you can tell what year or decade the film / opening is set in. It's a old red Bi-Plane, not sure on make, but you could take a guess and by looking at the front of the DVD cover, that it's Pre-War or Wartime era.
This then moves to a few side shots of the plane followed by the camera following the plane behind it as it's in the air, behind a title saying "Teressee, 1923," again in a serif font but smaller and white, as if it was typed using a type writer. By this title you are now able to give a exact year of this opening screenplay and also the location this scene is set, Tenessee, so America. The typewriter text also add's to the seriousness of the first title. After this it moves to a moving camera on the ground, looking up at the plane as it flies over a barn, the camera is also moving through a corn field, just above the crops. This shot can show that this is the Tennessee countryside or farmland / rural area, Most likely on a farm, as there are fields with crops and also a wooden barn. The Camera carries on moving above the field even when the plane has gone past, the camera also gets higher as it moves towards the barn, as if it is also flying and free. In the next scene, it's showing 2 boys playing in the barn, this is the first time we see people on this film, which might make us, the audience think they are important roles or stars in the film, which they are as you watch the full film, but only in character, as they used different actors for when they are older. The transition into this is also well done as it shows them in the barn, after the camera was seen moving towards the barn or towards them playing